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We Are A Blog for the Hot Tub Community
Relaxing soaks after a stressful day or strenuous exercise workout. Chances are this is why you bought your hot tub in the first place. We share the best tips, products and feedback from hundreds of other hot tub owners to help maximize your ownership experience.
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Trending Watercare Topics

Chemistry 101: Hot Tub Chemicals Explained
If you’re the type of person who struggles to keep house plants alive, you may be somewhat anxious about playing Mad Scientist with your hot tub. We are here to help with a Hot Tub Chemicals 101 – everything you need to know!

What is pH and Why Does it Matter?
If you’re like a lot of new hot tub owners, the last time you had anything to do with pH was holding a strip of litmus paper against a lemon in middle school. If you need a pH refresher, then read on! You may remember more from your school days than you might think..

Why is My Hot Tub Cloudy?
Wondering why your hot tub water looks cloudy and foamy after your recent hot tub party? Read on to see what may have caused it in the first place. We bet that that before you reach the end of this guide, you will be convinced to treat your cloudy water as soon as possible.
Trending Equipment and Maintenance Topics

The 6 Most Common Hot Tub Maintenance Issues
Know your stuff and keep technician costs down! Here we look at six of the most common maintenance issues that can arise for hot tub owners and offer advice on dealing with each one.

Winterizing a Hot Tub
If you’re dead set against using your tub in the colder months or are going to be away for a long period, you may need to winterize your spa to protect it from the cold weather and inactivity. Here we give you the key steps
to winterizing your tub.

How to Clean a Hot Tub Filter
Many hot tub owners have admitted that they avoid filter cleaning because they believe it is a cumbersome and complex task. Truth be told, cleaning the filter is as easy as rinsing it with a garden hose and can save you
Trending Hot Tub Lifestyle Topics

Top 10 Hot Tub Purchasing Mistakes
Bringing home a new hot tub should be a moment of celebration, but too many people fail to do proper research before handing over their hard-earned cash. We look at the ten biggest mistakes people make when purchasing a new tub.

Hot Tub Health Benefits
With a lot of buzz going around about hot tubs and their capability of providing health benefits to the human body, we wonder, how many people are actually aware of the relationship between hot tubs and hydrotherapy?

How to Save Money and Stay Safe Buying A Used Hot Tub
So you’ve decided to buy a hot tub, and just can’t go past that great deal you have spotted on a used model. Read on, and make sure today’s bargain isn’t tomorrow’s money trap!
Our Favorite Websites

SpaSearch Magazine
Consumer magazine devoted to families looking to purchase a new hot tub

Pool Spa Forum
Premier online bulletin board for hot tub owners

Soak in confidence. Buy your next hot tub from the best of the best.
Our Favorite Youtube Channels

Swim University
Take the “scary” out of pool and hot tub care.

Oregon Hot Tub
Leading hot tub retailer located in the Northwest

Pool and Spa TV
How-To videos for swimming pool and hot tub owners

Spa Guy How To
Delve into the inner workings of your hot tub.

All About Spas
How-To Series to answer frequently asked questions from spa owners

Hot Spring Spas
Focused on better understanding of Hot Spring hot tub ownership

Master Spa Owners
Make buying and owning a spa just as relaxing as using one.

BioGuard Pool and Spa Care
Watercare experts in swimming pool and spa care

Spring Dance Hot Tubs
Focused on better understanding of Spring Dance hot tub ownership
About the Author
Welcome and Hello!
If you’re a hot tub enthusiast, you have come to the right place! My name is David Wood, and I created this blog as a simple way to share the good, the bad, and the ugly of owning a hot tub or swim spa.

My story
I’ve been in the hot tub industry since 1999. For nearly 20 years, I was Editor-In-Chief for four industry magazines devoted exclusively to the hot tub and pool industry.
In 2006, I launched the only independent pool and spa endorsement program called TradeCertified to help homeowners purchase spas from reputable manufacturers and dealers using independent third-party auditors.
In 2018, I sold all my magazines and started a new watercare company – Ouster Water Solutions.
That’s my “day” job, but this blog is all about the fun and passion of owning a hot tub. It’s about sharing my experiences and serving as a moderator for our community. Our goal is simple: to always provide the best advice to ensure that you have an amazing hot tub ownership experience irrespective of the hot tub products you use, or the spa brand you own.

My hot tub is a prescription for good health
For me, my hot tub offers more than stress relief after a tough day – it is a prescription. I’m in a growing segment of hot tub owners who rely on their hot tub for medical benefits. After a major back surgery, a L6, L7 Laminectomy, and years of chronic pain, I am now pain-free. It’s no joke that I soak 6-7 days a week and take nothing for granted. My spa keeps my back limber and ready for even the most strenuous hike or recovery after 18 holes of golf.

I love my hot tub, but they aren’t for everyone…
I love my hot tub and the the way it makes me feel after a long day. There’s no question my life would be much different without one (more on that later) but lets face it, spas aren’t for everyone. Over the years, I’ve been shocked just how much misinformation is out there about hot tubbing..even from self-proclaimed experts. It was this frustration that prompted me to launch a community blog called HotTubAddict.com.